Friday, September 24, 2010

Update multiple records with single query, or Bundle Record Update

Actually it's a lie, it's not a single query, it's 3 queries, but it's still much more sufficient if you deal with more than 3 records to be updated with different values.

So, the problem is to run lot of update queries like:
update table_name set value_column='value1' where key_column = key1;
update table_name set value_column='value2' where key_column = key2;
update table_name set value_column='valueN' where key_column = keyN;

If you have N more than 3, then you should test the performance of the following approach:
1. create temporary table temp_table(k int,v varchar);
2. insert int temp_tabl values

3. update table_name, temp_table set
where table_name.key_column=temp_table.k

For ~50 records, it works ~2 times faster, so think about it.


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